Let's talk hats. I found the absolute cutest brown felt wide brim (with tasteful brown ribbon) at Value Village a few weeks ago and haven't been able to stop wearing it since. Of course, that may be because the day I got it I happened to dye my hair a foul color (let's just say it would go well with a cat ear headband and a GED), but in any case it's cute cute cute and I never want to take it off. It reminds me of Annie Hall at the beach- perfect. It's inspired in me a passion I haven't felt for an accessory since my very-early-in-highschool, heart-studded cowboy boots! Ralph Lauren put out a rather surprisingly attractive hat for the summer which I drooled over for a few minutes before deciding it was too newsboy-ish, or whatever that gross style of hat the second-ring-suburb Ed Hardy boys are wearing.
Look at this. That Scarlett O'Hara sure knows how to wear a hat.

Here's another great hat (a little boast: this looks a lot like the current object of my obsession) from someone's lookbook I stumbled upon.

And one more (thanks again, lookbook):

I think you'll be glad to hear that my bobbin case has resurfaced, so it's back to work tonight!!